- Akbash (Turkey)
- Apuan Shepherd Dog (Italy)
- Armant’s Egyptian Shepherd Dog (Egypt)
- Australian Cattle Dog (Australia)
- Australian Kelpie (Australia)
- Australian Shepherd (USA)
- Bearded Collie (Great Britain)
- Belgian Shepherd Dog Groenendael (Belgium)
- Belgian Shepherd Dog Laekenois (Belgium)
- Belgian Shepherd Dog Malinois (Belgium)
- Belgian Shepherd Dog Tervueren (Belgium)
- Bergamasco Shepherd Dog (Italy)
- Berger de la Beauce – Beauceron (France)
- Berger de Brie – Briard (France)
- Berger de Picardie – Picardy Sheepdog (France)
- Bobtail – Old English Sheepdog (Great Britain)
- Border Collie (Great Britain)
- Bouvier Des Ardennes (Belgium)
- Bouvier des Flandres (France – Belgium)
- Cao de Serra de Aires – Portuguese Sheepdog (Portugal)
- Catalan Sheepdog – Gos D’Atura Català (Spain)
- Croatian Shepherd Dog (Croatia)
- Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Slovak Republic)
- Dutch Schapendoes (Holland)
- Dutch Shepherd Dog (Holland)
- East European Shepherd (Russia)
- Working German Shepherd Grisons (Germany)
- German Shepherd Dog (Germany)
- German Shepherd Dog Long Hair (Germany)
- Komondor (Hungary)
- Kuvasz (Hungary)
- Lancashire Heeler (Great Britain)
- Majorca Shepherd Dog (Spain)
- Maremma-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog (Italy)
- Mudi (Hungary)
- Polish Lowland Sheepdog (Poland)
- Puli (Hungary)
- Pumi (Hungary)
- Pyrenean Sheepdog Long-Haired (France)
- Pyrenean Sheepdog – Smooth Faced (France)
- Romanian Carpathian Sheperd Dog (Romania)
- Romanian Mioritic Sheperd Dog (Romania)
- Saarloos Wolfhound (Holland)
- Schipperke (Belgium)
- Scotland Shepherd Dog – Rough Collie (Great Britain)
- Scotland Shepherd Dog – Collie Short-haired (Great Britain)
- Shepherd Dog of Oropa (Italy)
- Shetland Sheepdog (Great Britain)
- Slovenský čuvač (Slovak Republic)
- South Russian Shepherd Dog (Russia)
- Tatra Shepherd Dog (Poland)
- Welsh Corgi Cardigan (Great Britain – Wales)
- Welsh Corgi Pembroke (Great Britain – Wales)
- White Swiss Shepherd (Switzerland)
- White Swiss Shepherd (Switzerland)
- Affenpinscher (Germany)
- American Wolfdog (Canada)
- Appenzeller Sennenhund (Switzerland)
- Atlas Mountain Dog -Aidi (Morocco)
- Austrian Pinscher – Osterreichischer Pinscher (Austria)
- Bernese Mountain Dog (Switzerland)
- Black Russian Terrier (Russia)
- Boerboel (Africa)
- Boxer (Germany)
- Broholmer (Denmark)
- Cane Corso Italiano (Italy)
- Cao de Agua Portugues (Portugal)
- Cão de Castro Laboreiro (Portugal)
- Cão de Fila de São Miguel (Portugal)
- Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Georgia)
- Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Russia)
- Central Asian Shepherd Dog Alabai (Turkmenistan)
- Central Asian Shepherd Dog Tobet (Kazakistan)
- Central Asian Shepherd Dog Torkuz (Uzbekistan)
- Cimarron Uruguayo (Uruguay)
- Danish-Swedish Farmdog (Denmark-Sweden)
- Dobermann (Germany)
- Dogo Argentino (Argentina)
- Dogue de Bordeaux (France)
- Dutch Smoushound (Netherlands)
- Entlebuch Sennenhound (Switzerland)
- Estrela Mountain Dog (Portugal)
- Fila Brasileiro (Brazil)
- Fonnese Dog (Italy)
- German Pinscher (Germany)
- Great Dane (Germany)
- Great Swiss Mountain Dog (Switzerland)
- Hovawart (Germany)
- Kangal çoban köpegi (Turkey)
- Karst Shepherd Dog (Slovenia)
- Landseer (Norway)
- Leonberger (Germany)
- Mastiff (Great Britain)
- Moscow Watchdog (Russia)
- Neapolitan Mastiff (Italy)
- Newfoundland (Canada)
- Presa Canario (Spain)
- Perro Dogo Mallorquín (Spain)
- Pyrenean Mastiff (Spain)
- Pyrenean Mountain Dog (France)
- Rafeiro do Alentejo (Portugal)
- Riesenschnauzer (Germany)
- Romanian Bucovina Shepherd (Romania)
- Rottweiler (Germany)
- Russian Black Terrier (Russia)
- Saint Bernard Dog (Switzerland)
- Sharolanina – Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog (Serbia)
- Schnauzer (Germany)
- Shar Pei (China)
- Serra de Estrela dog (Portugal)
- Spanish Mastiff (Spain)
- Tibetan Mastiff (Tibet – China)
- Torniak (Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia)
- Tosa (Japan)
- Zwergpinscher (Germany)
- Zwergschnauzer (Germany)

- Airedale Terrier (Great Britain)
- Australian Skye Terrier (Great Britain)
- Australian Silky Terrier (Great Britain)
- Australian Terrier (Australia)
- Bedlington Terrier (Great Britain)
- Biewer Terrier (Germany)
- Border Terrier (Great Britain)
- Boston Terrier (USA)
- Cairn Terrier (Great Britain)
- Cesky Terrier (Czech Republic)
- Chilean Terrier (Chile)
- Dandie Dinmont Terrier (Great Britain)
- Deutscher Jagdterrier (Germany)
- English Toy Terrier (Great Bretanga)
- Fox Terrier Smooth (Great Britain)
- Fox Terrier Wire (Great Britain)
- Irish Glen of Imaal terrier (Ireland)
- Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (Ireland)
- Irish Terrier (Ireland)
- Jack Russell Terrier (Great Britain)
- Japanese Terrier (Japan)
- Kerry Blue Terrier (Ireland)
- Lakeland Terrier (Great Britain)
- Manchester Terrier (Great Britain)
- Norfolk Terrier (Great Britain)
- Norwich Terrier (Great Britain)
- Parson Russell Terrier (Great Britain)
- Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz (Spain)
- Scottish Terrier (Great Britain)
- Sealyham Terrier (Great Britain)
- Skye Terrier (Great Britain)
- Smooth-haired Fox Terrier (Great Britain)
- Terrier Brasileiro (Brazil)
- Welsh Terrier (Great Britain)
- West Higland White Terrier (Great Britain)
- Yorkshire Terrier (Great Britain)

- American Bulldog Jhonson (America)
- American Bulldog Scott (America)
- American Bully Pocket (America)
- American Bully Standard (America)
- American Bully Classic (America)
- American Bully XL (America)
- American Pit Bull Terrier (America)
- American Staffordshire terrier (America)
- Bouledogue Français (France)
- Bullmastiff (Great Britain)
- Bull Terrier (Great Britain)
- Bull Terrier Miniature (Great Britain)
- Chongqing dog (China)
- English Bulldog (Great Britain)
- Exotic Bully (America)
- French Bulldog Exotic (Europe)
- Olde English Bulldogge (Great Britain)
- Slovak Mogwai Dog (Slovakia)
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Great Britain)

- Ainu-Ken – Hokkaido (Japan)
- Akita Inu (Japan)
- Alaskan Malamute (USA)
- American Akita (Japan – USA)
- Basenji (Central Africa)
- Black Norwegian Elkhound (Norway)
- Canaan Dog (Israel)
- Canadian Eskimo Dog (Canada)
- Chow Chow (China)
- Cirneco dell’Etna (Italy)
- East Siberian Laika (Russian)
- Eurasier (Germany)
- Finnish Spitz (Finland)
- German Spitz Pomeranian (Germany)
- German Spitz (Germany)
- Greenland Dog (Greenland)
- Grey Norwegian Elkhound (Greenland – Patronage of Denmark)
- Icelandic Sheepdog (Iceland)
- Jamthund (Sweden)
- Japanese Spitz (Japan)
- Kai Dog (Japan)
- Karelian Bear Dog (Finland)
- Keeshond – Wolfspitz (Germany)
- Kishu Inu (Japan)
- Korea Jindo Dog (South Korea)
- Lapinkoira (Russia)
- Lapinporokoira (Finland)
- Norrbottenspets (Sweden)
- Mexican Naked Dog (Mexico)
- Norrbottenspets (Sweden)
- Norwegian Buhund (Norway)
- Norwegian Elkhound Black (Norway)
- Norwegian Elkhound Grey (Norway)
- Norwegian Lundehund (Norway)
- Perro sin pelo del Perú (Perù)
- Pharaon Hound (Egypt)
- Podenco Canario (Spain)
- Podenco Ibicenco (Spain)
- Podengo Portugues (Spain)
- Russian-European Laika (Russian)
- Samoyed (Russia)
- Shiba Inu (Japan)
- Shikoku (Japan)
- Siberian Husky (United States)
- Suomenlapinkoira – Finnish Lapponian Dog (Finland)
- Swedish Lapphund (Sweden)
- Taiwan Dog (Taiwan)
- Thai Bangkaew Dog (Thailand)
- Thai Ridgeback Dog (Thailand)
- Trabzon Zerdava (Turkey)
- Västgötaspets (Sweden)
- Volpino Italiano (Italy)
- West Siberian Laika (Russian)
- Xoloitzcuintle (Mexico)

- Alpenlaendische Dachsbracke (Austria)
- American Foxhound (USA)
- Anglo-Francaise de Petite Vénerie (France)
- Apennine Hound (Italy)
- Ariegeois (France)
- Austrian Black And Tan Hound – Brandlbracke (Austria)
- Basset Artésien-Normand (France)
- Basset Bleu from Gascogne (France)
- Basset Fauve from Bretagne (France)
- Basset Griffon Vendéen (France)
- Basset Hound (USA – Great Britain)
- Bayerischer Gebirgsschweissh. (Germany)
- Beagle (Great Britain)
- Beagle Harrier (Great Britain)
- Bernese Hound (Switzerland)
- Billy (France)
- Black and Tan Coonhound (USA)
- Bloodhound – Chien de St. Hubert (Belgium)
- Bosnian Broken-Haired Hound (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Brazilian Tracker (Brazil)
- Briquet Griffon Vendéen (France)
- Chien d’Artois (France)
- Dachshund (Germany)
- Dachshund Pie Bald (USA)
- Dalmatian (Croatia – ex-Yugoslavia)
- Drever (Sweden)
- Dunker (Norway)
- English Coonhound (USA)
- English Foxhound (Great Britain)
- Finnish Hound (Finland)
- Français Blanc et Noir (France)
- Français Blanc et Orange (France)
- Français Tricolore (France)
- Gascon Saintongeois (France)
- German Hound (Germany)
- German Short Haired Dachshund (Germany)
- German Shorthaired Dachshund (Germany)
- Gr. Anglo-Français Bl. et Orange (France)
- Gr. Anglo-Français Blanc et Noir (France)
- Gr. Anglo-Français Tricolor (France)
- Grand Bleu de Gascogne (France)
- Grand Gascogne-Saintongeois (France)
- Grand Griffon Vendéen (France)
- Griffon Bleu de Gascogne (France)
- Griffon Fauve de Bretagne (France)
- Griffon Nivernais (France)
- Haldenstöver (Norway)
- Hamiltonstövare (Sweden)
- Hannoverischer Schweisshund (Germany)
- Hard-Haired Dachshund (Germany)
- Harrier (Grand Bretain)
- Hellenic Hound (Greece)
- Hygenhund (Norway)
- Hungarian Hound (Hungary)
- Istrian Short-Haired Hound (Croatia)
- Istrian Wire-Haired Hound (Croatia)
- Italian short-haired hound (Italy)
- Jura Hound type Bruno (Switzerland)
- Lucernese Hound (Switzerland)
- Maremmano Hound (Italy)
- Montenegrin Mountain Hound (Montenegro)
- Otterhound (Great Britain)
- Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen (France)
- Petit Bleu de Gascogne (France)
- Plott Hound (United States)
- Poitevin (France)
- Polish Hound (Polish)
- Porcelaine (France)
- Posavatz Hound (Croatia)
- Redbone Coonhound (USA)
- Rhodesian Ridgeback (S.Africa-Zimbabwe)
- Rough-Haired Styrian Hound (Austria)
- S. Tricolor Yugoslavian (Serbia-Montenegro)
- S. Yugoslav of Mont. (Serbia-Montenegro)
- Sabueso Español (Spain)
- Schillerstövare (Sweden)
- Segugio Italiano a Pelo Forte (Italy)
- Segugio Italiano a Pelo Raso (Italy)
- Serbian Hound (Serbia and Montenegro)
- Slovensky Kopov (Slovak Republic)
- Smalandsstövare (Sweden)
- Small Bernese Hound (Switzerland)
- Small Jura Hound (Switzerland)
- Small Lucernese Hound (Switzerland)
- Small Swiss Hound (Switzerland)
- Steirische Rauhhaarbracke (Austria)
- Strong Haired Italian Hound (Italy)
- Swiss Hound (Switzerland)
- Treeing Walker Coonhound (USA)
- Tyrolean Hound (Austria)
- Westphalian Hound (Germany)

- Bohemian Wire Haired Pointing Griffon (Czech Rep.)
- Bracco d’Ariége (France)
- Bracco del Bourbonnais (France)
- Bracco Italiano (Italy)
- Braque de Saint-Germain (France)
- Braque d’Auvergne (France)
- Bracco Dupuy – Braque Dupuy (France)
- Braque Francais Type Gascogne (France)
- Braque Francais Type Pyrénées (France)
- Deutsch Kurzhaar (Germany)
- Deutscher Drahthaar (Germany)
- Drentse Patrijshond (Netherlands)
- English Setter (Great Britain)
- Epagneul Bleu de Picardie (France)
- Epagneul Breton (France)
- Epagneul Pont Audemer (France)
- Epagneul Francais (France)
- Epagneul Picard (France)
- Gammel Dansk Hønsehund (Denmark)
- German Longhaired Pointing Dog (Germany)
- Gordon Setter (England)
- Griffon Boulet (France)
- Hungarian Short Haired Pointer – Vizsla (Hungary)
- Irish Red and White Setter (Ireland)
- Irish Red Setter (Ireland)
- Kleiner Münsterländer (Germany)
- Large Münsterländer (Germany)
- Long-haired Weimaraner (Germany)
- Perdiguero de Burgos (Spain)
- Pointer English (Great Britain)
- Portuguese Bracco (Portugal)
- Pudelpointer (Germany)
- Restone Brachiuro (Italy)
- Short-haired Weimaraner (Germany)
- Slovak Hard-haired Pointing Dog (Slovak Rep.)
- Spinone Italiano (Italy)
- Stabyhoun (Netherlands)
- Strong Haired Hungarian Pointer – Vizsla (Hungary)
- Wirehaired Pointing Griffon (France)

- American Cocker Spaniel (USA)
- American Water Spaniel (USA)
- Barbet (France)
- Chesapeake Bay Retriever (USA)
- Clumber Spaniel (Great Britain)
- Curly-Coated Retriever (Great Britain)
- English Cocker Spaniel (Great Britain)
- English Springer Spaniel (Great Britain)
- Field Spaniel (Great Britain)
- Flat-Coated Retriever (Great Britain)
- German Spaniel (Germany)
- Golden Retriever (Great Britain)
- Irish Water Spaniel (Ireland)
- Kooikerhondje (Netherlands)
- Labrador Retriever (Great Britain)
- Lagotto Romagnolo (Italy)
- Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Canada)
- Perro de Agua Espanol (Spain)
- Sussex Spaniel (Great Britain)
- Welsh Springer Spaniel (Great Britain)

- American Eskimo Dog (United States)
- American Eskimo Dog Miniature (United States)
- American Eskimo Dog Toy (United States)
- Bichon à poil frisé (France – Belgium)
- Bichon havanais (Cuba)
- Bolognese (Italy)
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Great Britain)
- Chihuahua (Mexico)
- Chinese Crested Dog (China)
- Coton de Tuléar (Madagascar)
- Épagneul Nain Continental Papillon (France / Belgium)
- Épagneul Nain Continental Phalene (France / Belgium)
- Griffon Belge (Belgium)
- Griffon Bruxellois (Belgium)
- Japanese Chin (Japan)
- King Charles Spaniel (Great Britain)
- Kromfohrländer (Germany)
- Lhasa Apso (Tibet)
- Löwchen – Little Lion Dog (France)
- Maltese (Italy)
- Pekingese (China and Great Britain)
- Petit Barbancon (Belgium)
- Poodle Tea Cup (France)
- Poodle Toy (France)
- Poodle Miniature (France)
- Poodle Medium (France)
- Poodle Giant (France)
- Poodle Particolor (France)
- Pražský krysarík (Czech Republic)
- Pug (China)
- Russian Toy (Russia)
- Shih-Tzu (Tibet)
- Tibetan Spaniel (Tibet)
- Tibetan Terrier (Tibet)

- Afghan Hound (Afghanistan and GB)
- Azawakh (Mali – Patronage of France)
- Borzoi (Russia)
- Deerhound (Great Britain)
- Galgo Español (or Greyhound) Spanish (Spain)
- Greyhound (Great Britain)
- Irish Wolfhound (Ireland)
- Magyar Agar (Hungary)
- Polish Greyhound (Poland)
- Rampur Hound (India)
- Saluki (Iran)
- Sloughi – Arabian Greyhound (Morocco)
- Small Italian Greyhound (Italy)
- Whippet (Great Britain)
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